Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I am pleased to report that my angry psoas has had some time with a great therapist and has worked out its anger issues. I don't know what I would do without Kathy. Kathy has been trained in Active Isolated Stretching and works on many Olympic runners. I mostly see her for deep tissue (and I mean sometimes I think she is going to put her fingers straight through a muscle deep) but she has helped me before with some targeted stretching.

During this recent flare-up, my PT, Sharon, left for a 2 week vacation and I decided to see Kathy. She immediately diagnosed the psoas with a VERY tender glute med and went to work. After 4 sessions, my back spasms were almost completely gone. After 5 sessions, they were completely gone and I have a new psoas stretch that keeps it completely in check. I am happy girl once again!

I also talked with Howard Head and was given the advice to spend a couple of days a week in the pool. I am buying a pass this weekend and am committed to doing this through the end of the summer religiously. I can't commit after that because I HATE to swim when it's cold outside. What a baby, huh?

So, no more over-doing or under-doing it. A lifetime commitment to keeping buns of steel, a strong core, great legs and no pain. I am headed back out to Vail sometime in the next few months for my one year check with Dr. Philippon. Can't wait to go see all of my old friends at Howard Head. What a difference a year makes!


Noell Blevins said...

Yeah buns of steel!!!!!!!! Cant wait to see you when you come!!!

Anonymous said...

how expensive was your labral surgery without insurance?

Anonymous said...

I would like to contact Dr Philippon and send him some X-Rays. Does he or his office manager have an e-mail where I can do this? Thanks. Write me at: ethanetan@hotmail.com

medstudent said...

Just wanted to say thanks for your awesome blog. I head out to Vail in a week for surgery on my hip labral tear. You gave so much information and it helps to know what is coming my way, both good and bad. Nancy

medstudent said...

Just wanted to say thanks for your awesome blog. I head out to Vail in a week for surgery on my hip labral tear. You gave so much information and it helps to know what is coming my way, both good and bad. Nancy